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best of ChatGPT

Yes, I admit it. I use the help of AI every now and then. Most often when I am programming. The quality of the answers of the Large Language Models is really impressing. But every now and then some funny things happen. I decided to collect them. At the moment it is only one entry, but probably more will come.

This one is not my original finding. I saw it moving by on LinkedIn. Unfortunately I do not remember anymore who posted it but I thought that it would be interesting to replicate it. -- And indeed, it works.

How many times is the letter r in "strawberry"?

The letter "r" appears twice in the word "strawberry."

Can you show me where?

Sure! Here's where the letter "r" appears in the word "strawberry":
The two "r" letters are the 8th and 9th characters in the word.

What about the third letter?

The third letter in the word "strawberry" is "r." So the letter "r" appears in the third, eighth, and ninth positions.

Ahh, and if I ask again how many times is the letter r in "strawberry"?

The letter "r" appears three times in the word "strawberry."

Martin Strobel > home > blog